Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Quit Whining and Do Something About It!

Internet  *  Marketing  *  Design  *  Publishing

I've been involved with marketing for small businesses for the past 20 years.  I have always been amazed by businesses that fail to plan a marketing strategy and particularly today with a challenging economy and so much uncertainty.  Shouldn't we as business owners take planning even more seriously?

I had a customer tell me last week, "I can't wait til the election is over so I can know what direction to go in."  Really?  Who cares?  My response was what does it matter?  Are you still going to sell your products or service even if the wrong party is elected, or are you going to fold up shop and go away?  When the last guys won, did you change your strategy or simply adjust a few expense lines to account for all the "Hope and Change" policies. 

Wake up!  Continue to do what you do best - serve your customers.  The rest will fall into place!  Sure we need to know what the politicos are spouting and doing and yes, policies will affect our expenses, but we as business owners must take the actions that affect our revenue.  Quit inviting customers and see how much deeper a hole you can dig.  Or - get out in front of the businesses that are excuse makers and be proactive.  Take steps today to change how you communicate with your customers tomorrow.   

I get asked often, "What should I do to compete?" "How do I gain more customers?"

I have one answer to both - Advertise, advertise, advertise!

You must continue to invite business to continue to get business.  Here's the rub.  What works?  Where do I start?  A common comment, "I can't afford to advertise too much.  It costs too much money"  Listen up - You can't afford not to advertise and chances are, you are already spending what you need or more!  You probably are not spending it correctly. 

A piece of advice - Fire your ad reps.  They only want to sell what they sell.  Most of it works but some outlets more than others therefore generating a better ROI.  Do you measure?  If not - why not?  Of course you can't really fire an ad rep, but quit buying because you like them or because they are dependable or nice.  Buy from them because what they sell works better than the alternatives or because they bring VALUE.

When is the last time you spent a day exploring FREE advertising for your business, like this post?  Do you have a Facebook page?  Do you tweet?  How big is your email subscriber list?  I know local businesses that have surpassed their local newspaper.  How much do you think they depend on that ad rep?  Do you blog, comment on blogs or link build?   

Are you stuck doing the same old thing the same old way only to realize it leads to the same old results?  Do something about it!  Explore alternatives to the old.  Offline advertising can still be effective, but online has got to be part of the equation.  I like both and believe in balance.  When someone says, "I don't understand Internet marketing." or "Online advertising is out of my comfort zone."  What they are really saying is I'm afraid.     

We are living in an age that enables anyone to be successful.  All it takes is good old fashioned determination and hard-work (and maybe a little street smarts).  Why wouldn't you look for FREE consulting advice that could lead to a relationship that could possibly change your revenue results?

Thanks for reading, and I welcome comments!

FREE Marketing Consultation   

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